Aims and Scope

This Journal provides a suitable atmosphere for publishing the research works of academics and sharing the latest findings, methods, and scientific advances in the macroeconomic level of the country. 

Areas of the studies: All research in the field of macroeconomics includes;

  • Macroeconomic Theories and Models,
  • Economic Growth and Development,
  • Monetary and Fiscal Policies, Money Supply, Demand for Money, Inflation, Liquidity,
  • Foreign Trade, International Relations
  • Prices, Business Fluctuations, and Cycles
  • Business Environment, Labor Market, Employment, Unemployment • Wages, Productivity and Efficiency
  • Informal Labor Market and Underground Economy
  • Income Distribution, Poverty and Inequality,
  • Population, Education, Human Capital,
  • Technological Innovation and R&D
  • Policymaking, Government, Markets, Institutions,
  • Natural Resources, Energy, Environment, Sustainable Development
  • Financial Markets and the Macroeconomy
  • Economic Sectors (Agriculture, Industry, Services, Construction, Energy, Oil)
  • Social and Institutional Factors of Macro Economy
  • Economy of Resistance
  • Other related topics in the field of macroeconomics