Investigation of the Impact of Corruption on Inflation Rate in Selected MENA Countries

Document Type : Scientific paper



This study investigates the impact of corruption on inflation rate in selected MENA countries over the 1996-2013. We apply base model presented by Al-Marhubi (2000), Vindelynand Hillman (2007) and Damir and Praksa (2011) named the non-linear Panel Smooth Transition Regression model. The estimation results of non-linear Panel Smooth Transition Regression model (PSTR) strongly reject the linearity hypothesis, and estimates two regimes that gives a threshold at corruption of -1.26 for under review countries. The key results show that the effect of the corruption, GDP per capita and openness is negative and show the intensity of them are high in high levels of calculated threshold for corruption. Other results of this research about the impact of government expenditure on inflation rate report thata positive effects existence between government consumption expenditure, liquidity and inflation rate. Moreover, the results of many done studies about positive effects of government consumption expenditure and liquidity and also negative effects of control of corruption index, gross domestic product per capita (GDP per capita) and openness (or exporting as theopenness index) on inflation rate are confirmed in this study. As the intensity of negative effect of control of corruption on inflation rate increasing simultaneous with increasing control of corruption. 


Volume 11, Issue 21
June 2016
Pages 81-104
  • Receive Date: 25 September 2014
  • Revise Date: 05 January 2015
  • Accept Date: 01 March 2017