Investigation of Household Income and Expenditure Convergence in Provinces of Iran

Document Type : Scientific paper


1 assistant professor

2 assistan professor

3 m.a economy


The convergence process is reviewed as one of the results of economic growth in recent years. The order of convergence is that, poor areas have higher growth rates than the rich, so the poor areas are getting closer to wealthier regions in terms of economic status over the time. So in this study, we tried to answer the fundamental question that there are income convergence and expenditure Convergence among the Provinces of Iran during (1982-2012) or not?. For this purpose, we used panel unit root tests in order to investigate absolute and conditional beta convergence. The results show that in this period the absolute and conditional beta convergence for incomes and costs of province are approved.For this purpose, we used panel unit root tests in order to investigate absolute and conditional beta convergence. The results show that in this period the absolute and conditional beta convergence for incomes and costs of province are approved.For this purpose, we used panel unit root tests in order to investigate absolute and conditional beta convergence. The results show that in this period the absolute and conditional beta convergence for incomes and costs of province are approvedFor this purpose, we used panel unit root tests in order to investigate absolute and conditional beta convergence. The results show that in this period the absolute and conditional beta convergence for incomes and costs of province are approved


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