Evaluation of Performance of Iranian Commercial Banks Method: Bootstrap Algorithm

Document Type : Scientific paper


1 Professor, Department of Economics, Faculty of Economics, Allameh Tabataba'i University, Tehran, Iran

2 PhD student, Faculty of Economics, Allameh Tabatabai University


The assessment of the economies of different countries of the world indicates that banks play the role of economic arteries of countries and Iran's economy is not only an exception to this rule, but Iran's economy is a bank-oriented economy; therefore, the study of the performance of Iranian banks plays a very important role in future policies. This research was done by aim investigating the performance of a set of commercial banks in Iran during the period of 1394-1380. The findings of the research indicate that the type of return to scale of the commercial banks of Iran during the mentioned period is constant and the Bootstrap algorithm has caused a decrease in the average efficiency over the mentioned time period so that by applying the Bootstrap algorithm, set of  Iranian commercial banks has been inefficient for all years. The Bootstrap has reduced the average performance by 4%, and has also reduced bias and has caused more realistic performance scores. The best performance of commercial banks was in 1387 and the worst performance was in the year 1380. The Bootstrap algorithm makes it possible to rank the performance scores, which was not possible in the absence of the algorithm. A exact assessment of banking performance can lead to bank reform.


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