The Asymmetric Effects of Real Exchange Rate on Poverty: The Role of Remittances

Document Type : Scientific paper


1 Assistant professor, Department of Economics, Urmia University, Urmia, Iran

2 MA in Economics, Urmia University, Urmia, Iran


This paper investigates the effects of the asymmetric threshold of real exchange rate on poverty through the remittances channel in the 12 selected developing countries during the period of 1980-2017, using Panel Smooth Transition Regression (PSTR) model. The linearity test results indicate strongly nonlinear relationship among variables under consideration. Moreover, considering one transition function and one threshold parameter, as a two regime model, is sufficient to specification of nonlinear relationship among variables. The results indicate that threshold value for studying countries is 5.87 and the estimated slope parameter is 1.76. Based on the results of model estimation, remittances, GDP per capita and real exchange rate in both the first and second regimes have inconsistent effects on poverty. Remittances and logarithm of exchange rate have positive effect on poverty in first regime and have negative effect in second regime. Also the GDP per capita has negative effect on poverty in both of the regimes, but its effect was less in the second regime.


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