The Effect of Financial Development Indicators on Life Expectancy of Men and Women in Selected Developing Countries Using GMM

Document Type : Scientific paper


1 PhD student, Department of Economics, Shiraz Branch, Islamic Azad University,Shiraz, ,Iran

2 Associate professor, Department of Economics ,Shiraz Branch Islamic, Azad University, Shiraz. Iran

3 Assistant professor, Department of University,, Shiraz ,iran

4 Assistant professor, Department of E$conomics, Shiraz branchI slamic Azad University, cShiraz, Iran


This paper investigates the effect of different financial development indicators on life expectancy of men and women in developing countries using GMM method during 2000-2016. According to the results , the estimation of the effect of private sector lending facilities (as a percentage of GDP) , as one of the indicators of financial development , on the life expectancy of men and women in developing countries is positive and significant . The effect of money-to-GDP ratios , given its devastating inflationary impact on people's nutrition and health, has a negative impact on the life expectancy of men and women . The degree of openness of the economy in both models is positive and significant, indicating a positive effect of this variable on the life expectancy of men and women in developing countries . The coefficient of educational expenditure was not statistically significant in any of the models , so it cannot be stated that this variable affects the life expectancy status . The effect of health expenditures on life expectancy for men and women is positive and significant and indicates the positive impact of this variable through healthier workforce and improved productivity and thus economic growth on life expectancy .


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