Poverty Situation and Three Dimensions of Poverty Curve in Iran

Document Type : Scientific paper


1 Department of Economics , Faculty of economics and managment , Shiraz Branch , Islamic Azad University , Shiraz , Iran

2 Associate Professor, Department of Economics, Faculty of economics and managment , Shiraz Branch , Islamic Azad University , Shiraz , Iran

3 Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, Faculty of economics and managment , Shiraz Branch , Islamic Azad University , Shiraz , Iran


What has been mentioned most in international documents and reports is the which implies incidence, intensity and income inequality among poor people. The purpose of this article is to show the situation of poverty in Iran. The main progress of the present study in the field of poverty research is that using the raw data of the Statistics Center of Iran and plotting the poverty dimension curve (TIP) and using the Jenkins and Lambert method in a period of ten years since 2008, the situation of poverty and its dimensions examined the impact of poverty incidence and the intensity of poverty and income inequality among the poor in Iran. The results show that total poverty during the mentioned period has a relatively downward trend with a gentle slope and the highest total poverty is related to 2009. An examination of the dimensions of poverty also shows that in each period approximately 60percent of the population of Iran was below the relative poverty line and the calculated intensity of poverty indicates that the poor are 54% away from the desired situation and income inequality between the poor 34percent  is estimated . During this period, poverty incidence and income inequality among the poor in the Iranian economy has had a relatively stable trend. In addition, the trend of  intensity of poverty in the years2008  to 2010 had a relatively constant trend, but from 2010 to the end of the period has decreased with a slight slope.


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