Keyword Index


  • Agricultural sector employment Studying the Effect of Business Cycle on Production, Employment, and Investment in Agricultural Sector of Iran [Volume 12, Issue 24, 2017, Pages 73-94]
  • Agricultural sector investment Studying the Effect of Business Cycle on Production, Employment, and Investment in Agricultural Sector of Iran [Volume 12, Issue 24, 2017, Pages 73-94]
  • Agricultural value added Studying the Effect of Business Cycle on Production, Employment, and Investment in Agricultural Sector of Iran [Volume 12, Issue 24, 2017, Pages 73-94]
  • ARCH model Forecasting of Gold Coin Future Contract Return in Iran Mercantile Exchange: with Approach of Comparative between ARCH Model and Neural Network [Volume 12, Issue 24, 2017, Pages 33-53]
  • Asset pricing theory Investigating Risk Permium Puzzle Using Epstien and Zin recursive utility function in Iran's stock market (By Euler's functions and GMM method) [Volume 12, Issue 23, 2017, Pages 133-154]


  • Capital asset pricing Investor Sentiment Index and Capital Asset Pricing [Volume 12, Issue 24, 2017, Pages 149-171]
  • Convergence Hypothesis Investigation of Household Income and Expenditure Convergence in Provinces of Iran [Volume 12, Issue 23, 2017, Pages 59-80]
  • Corruption Studying Nonlinear Relationship between Corruption Perceptions Index and Income Inequality in D8 Countries; Application of Panel VAR Model [Volume 12, Issue 23, 2017, Pages 155-180]
  • Credit Market Interrelation between Government’s Policies in Different Markets [Volume 12, Issue 23, 2017, Pages 13-32]


  • D8 Countries Studying Nonlinear Relationship between Corruption Perceptions Index and Income Inequality in D8 Countries; Application of Panel VAR Model [Volume 12, Issue 23, 2017, Pages 155-180]
  • Democracy Tax Progressivity and Income Inequality: A case study of a selected number of countries with natural resource rents and OECD countries [Volume 12, Issue 24, 2017, Pages 95-119]


  • Economic Growth Determinant Factors of National Saving in Iran with Particular Reference to Budget Deficit [Volume 12, Issue 23, 2017, Pages 33-57]
  • Employment Investigating the role and effects of private and public investment on employment in provinces of Iran: GMM approach [Volume 12, Issue 24, 2017, Pages 121-148]


  • Fama and French three factor model Investor Sentiment Index and Capital Asset Pricing [Volume 12, Issue 24, 2017, Pages 149-171]
  • Forecasting of return Forecasting of Gold Coin Future Contract Return in Iran Mercantile Exchange: with Approach of Comparative between ARCH Model and Neural Network [Volume 12, Issue 24, 2017, Pages 33-53]
  • Foreign Exchange Market Interrelation between Government’s Policies in Different Markets [Volume 12, Issue 23, 2017, Pages 13-32]


  • General Investment Investigating the role and effects of private and public investment on employment in provinces of Iran: GMM approach [Volume 12, Issue 24, 2017, Pages 121-148]
  • Generalized Method Moments The Impact of Macroeconomic Variables and Bank-specific on Non-Performing Loans in Iranian Banks (By differentiating overdue receivables, deferred and doubtful) [Volume 12, Issue 24, 2017, Pages 13-32]
  • Generalized Moments Method Investigating the role and effects of private and public investment on employment in provinces of Iran: GMM approach [Volume 12, Issue 24, 2017, Pages 121-148]
  • Globalization The incidence of inflation and globalization to income inequality: Does capital intensity matter? [Volume 12, Issue 24, 2017, Pages 54-72]
  • GMM Investigating Risk Permium Puzzle Using Epstien and Zin recursive utility function in Iran's stock market (By Euler's functions and GMM method) [Volume 12, Issue 23, 2017, Pages 133-154]
  • GMM The incidence of inflation and globalization to income inequality: Does capital intensity matter? [Volume 12, Issue 24, 2017, Pages 54-72]
  • Gold coin future contract Forecasting of Gold Coin Future Contract Return in Iran Mercantile Exchange: with Approach of Comparative between ARCH Model and Neural Network [Volume 12, Issue 24, 2017, Pages 33-53]
  • Government intervention Interrelation between Government’s Policies in Different Markets [Volume 12, Issue 23, 2017, Pages 13-32]


  • Household Expenditure Investigation of Household Income and Expenditure Convergence in Provinces of Iran [Volume 12, Issue 23, 2017, Pages 59-80]
  • Household Income Investigation of Household Income and Expenditure Convergence in Provinces of Iran [Volume 12, Issue 23, 2017, Pages 59-80]


  • Income Distribution Inequality Studying Nonlinear Relationship between Corruption Perceptions Index and Income Inequality in D8 Countries; Application of Panel VAR Model [Volume 12, Issue 23, 2017, Pages 155-180]
  • Income inequality The incidence of inflation and globalization to income inequality: Does capital intensity matter? [Volume 12, Issue 24, 2017, Pages 54-72]
  • Income inequality Tax Progressivity and Income Inequality: A case study of a selected number of countries with natural resource rents and OECD countries [Volume 12, Issue 24, 2017, Pages 95-119]
  • Investor sentiment index Investor Sentiment Index and Capital Asset Pricing [Volume 12, Issue 24, 2017, Pages 149-171]
  • Iran Provinces Investigating the role and effects of private and public investment on employment in provinces of Iran: GMM approach [Volume 12, Issue 24, 2017, Pages 121-148]


  • Johansen co-integration Determinant Factors of National Saving in Iran with Particular Reference to Budget Deficit [Volume 12, Issue 23, 2017, Pages 33-57]


  • Law and order Tax Progressivity and Income Inequality: A case study of a selected number of countries with natural resource rents and OECD countries [Volume 12, Issue 24, 2017, Pages 95-119]


  • Monetary Market Interrelation between Government’s Policies in Different Markets [Volume 12, Issue 23, 2017, Pages 13-32]
  • Multiple linear regression Forecasting of Gold Coin Future Contract Return in Iran Mercantile Exchange: with Approach of Comparative between ARCH Model and Neural Network [Volume 12, Issue 24, 2017, Pages 33-53]


  • NARDL Asymmetric Effect f Oil Price on Residential Market in Iran: Application of NARDL Method [Volume 12, Issue 23, 2017, Pages 81-105]
  • National savings Determinant Factors of National Saving in Iran with Particular Reference to Budget Deficit [Volume 12, Issue 23, 2017, Pages 33-57]
  • Neural Network Forecasting of Gold Coin Future Contract Return in Iran Mercantile Exchange: with Approach of Comparative between ARCH Model and Neural Network [Volume 12, Issue 24, 2017, Pages 33-53]
  • Non-performing loans The Impact of Macroeconomic Variables and Bank-specific on Non-Performing Loans in Iranian Banks (By differentiating overdue receivables, deferred and doubtful) [Volume 12, Issue 24, 2017, Pages 13-32]


  • Oil Price Asymmetric Effect f Oil Price on Residential Market in Iran: Application of NARDL Method [Volume 12, Issue 23, 2017, Pages 81-105]


  • Panel Data Unit Root Tests Investigation of Household Income and Expenditure Convergence in Provinces of Iran [Volume 12, Issue 23, 2017, Pages 59-80]
  • Panels Vector Auto-Regression Studying Nonlinear Relationship between Corruption Perceptions Index and Income Inequality in D8 Countries; Application of Panel VAR Model [Volume 12, Issue 23, 2017, Pages 155-180]
  • Private Investment Investigating the role and effects of private and public investment on employment in provinces of Iran: GMM approach [Volume 12, Issue 24, 2017, Pages 121-148]
  • Progressivity tax Tax Progressivity and Income Inequality: A case study of a selected number of countries with natural resource rents and OECD countries [Volume 12, Issue 24, 2017, Pages 95-119]


  • Real GDP Studying the Effect of Business Cycle on Production, Employment, and Investment in Agricultural Sector of Iran [Volume 12, Issue 24, 2017, Pages 73-94]
  • Recursive Utility Investigating Risk Permium Puzzle Using Epstien and Zin recursive utility function in Iran's stock market (By Euler's functions and GMM method) [Volume 12, Issue 23, 2017, Pages 133-154]
  • Residential Market Asymmetric Effect f Oil Price on Residential Market in Iran: Application of NARDL Method [Volume 12, Issue 23, 2017, Pages 81-105]
  • Risk Premium Puzzle Investigating Risk Permium Puzzle Using Epstien and Zin recursive utility function in Iran's stock market (By Euler's functions and GMM method) [Volume 12, Issue 23, 2017, Pages 133-154]


  • Stock excess return Investor Sentiment Index and Capital Asset Pricing [Volume 12, Issue 24, 2017, Pages 149-171]
  • Structural Equations Modeling Interrelation between Government’s Policies in Different Markets [Volume 12, Issue 23, 2017, Pages 13-32]


  • The business cycle Studying the Effect of Business Cycle on Production, Employment, and Investment in Agricultural Sector of Iran [Volume 12, Issue 24, 2017, Pages 73-94]
  • Three-stage least squares method Studying the Effect of Business Cycle on Production, Employment, and Investment in Agricultural Sector of Iran [Volume 12, Issue 24, 2017, Pages 73-94]