Keyword Index


  • ARDL Analysis of the Effect of Financial Deepening on Economic Well-Being in Iran during the last half century [Volume 19, Issue 41, 2024]


  • Box-Jenkins Investigating the fluctuations of the food industry index in the public crisis (COVID-19 epidemic) [Volume 19, Issue 41, 2024]


  • Consumption Pattern Investigating the Consumption Pattern of Informal Workers in Iran: Review Engel’S Law [Volume 19, Issue 41, 2024]


  • Economic Well-Being Analysis of the Effect of Financial Deepening on Economic Well-Being in Iran during the last half century [Volume 19, Issue 41, 2024]
  • Engel’S Law Investigating the Consumption Pattern of Informal Workers in Iran: Review Engel’S Law [Volume 19, Issue 41, 2024]
  • Exchange rate The effect of fluctuations of macroeconomic variables on the Solvency of the insurance industry in Iran [Volume 19, Issue 41, 2024]


  • Financial Deepening Analysis of the Effect of Financial Deepening on Economic Well-Being in Iran during the last half century [Volume 19, Issue 41, 2024]


  • GDP The Impact of Various Inequalities on Social Unrest in Middle Eastern Countries [Volume 19, Issue 41, 2024]


  • Heteroscedasticity variance Investigating the fluctuations of the food industry index in the public crisis (COVID-19 epidemic) [Volume 19, Issue 41, 2024]


  • Income inequality The Impact of Various Inequalities on Social Unrest in Middle Eastern Countries [Volume 19, Issue 41, 2024]
  • Inflation Rate The effect of fluctuations of macroeconomic variables on the Solvency of the insurance industry in Iran [Volume 19, Issue 41, 2024]
  • Informal Workers Investigating the Consumption Pattern of Informal Workers in Iran: Review Engel’S Law [Volume 19, Issue 41, 2024]
  • Iran Propellants and effective variables on the future of Labor supply in Iran's labor market with a combined Delphi approach and structural analysis [Volume 19, Issue 41, 2024]
  • Iran Analysis of the Effect of Financial Deepening on Economic Well-Being in Iran during the last half century [Volume 19, Issue 41, 2024]


  • Labor supply Propellants and effective variables on the future of Labor supply in Iran's labor market with a combined Delphi approach and structural analysis [Volume 19, Issue 41, 2024]


  • Social Unrest The Impact of Various Inequalities on Social Unrest in Middle Eastern Countries [Volume 19, Issue 41, 2024]
  • Solvency The effect of fluctuations of macroeconomic variables on the Solvency of the insurance industry in Iran [Volume 19, Issue 41, 2024]
  • Stock market Investigating the fluctuations of the food industry index in the public crisis (COVID-19 epidemic) [Volume 19, Issue 41, 2024]
  • Structural analysis Propellants and effective variables on the future of Labor supply in Iran's labor market with a combined Delphi approach and structural analysis [Volume 19, Issue 41, 2024]


  • Tehran Stock Exchange Investigating the fluctuations of the food industry index in the public crisis (COVID-19 epidemic) [Volume 19, Issue 41, 2024]